Our goal is to elect an Assyrian Global Leader. We are Assyrians with caring and daring visions. We are working in stages to promote awareness, education, and implementation of the Assyrian Election worldwide. We need to seek action in order to protect our next generation. We are an accommodating Assyrian institution. The election will be conducted in two stages. The first stage is a preliminary election and the second stage is the actual election. The preliminary election is a trial election to learn from and implement the actual election. In the trial election, 75 prominent and qualified Assyrian candidates are selected. Click on “Trial Election” in the navigation menu and choose your favorite candidates. In the actual election, candidates have to nominate themselves. We need an Assyrian leadership that can solve our problems, in order to ease our nation’s pain and suffering. The Assyrian people will establish credibility and respect in the eyes of other nation leaders once these leaders are aware that our leadership is elected by the Assyrian people worldwide. We are confident to meet the challenge of conducting a stateless nation election worldwide. Please join us in this daunting task. Electing the Assyrian leadership is the only way to solve our massive problems and steer our Assyrian nation in the right direction. In order to survive and thrive, we must get to the basics. A ship without a captain is doomed to a disaster. Assyrian Election Institute (AEI) is fully committed to implement a fair and constructive Assyrian election worldwide. AEI is solely by Assyrians for Assyrians. AEI a politically neutral institute, legitimate and democratic in nature and in parallel with the code of conduct of any of the world’s democratic entities. An Assyrian Electoral System booklet is available in the Electoral System of the navigation tab. This Assyrian Electoral System was published in Assyrian National Election booklet in 2003 by George Davis and was distributed to Assyrians in USA and Canada. The Assyrian electoral system of the AEI is a first-past-the-post type majority electoral system in which the candidate who receives more votes than any other candidate wins the election.

George Davis
Mar Benyamin Shimun (Martyrdom Centennial).
The Whitewashing of the Semil Genocide (U.S. National Achieves documents).
Modern and Ancient Assyrians under one Roof.
Former Technical Analyst at the U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and Armament Command.